Alexandrina is now a $1 billion economy

Please Note: This information is based on the 2016 Census Data.

The Alexandrina Council area is a growing rural and rural-residential area, with township and holiday areas.  Alexandrina Council encompasses a total land area of just over 1,800 square kilometres.

The natural amenity of the region and its proximity to Adelaide act as significant drivers for growth. In recent years, population growth in Alexandrina has been well above the average for South Australia. The region has long been a destination for retirement migrants and other lifestylers, particularly the coastal towns in the southern part of the municipality. In common with most parts of regional Australia, Alexandrina loses young adults to Adelaide, other parts of Australia and overseas, who often move for employment, education or lifestyle reasons.

A dual housing market operates in Alexandrina. This consists of retirees (typically 55-69 years) and families with children aged 0-9 years. In general, the coastal strip is favoured by retirees attracted to the natural amenity of the region. While some retirees may be moving into their former holiday homes on a permanent basis, more recent years have seen the growth of retirement and lifestyle villages catering to this housing market.

In contrast, towns in the northern part of Alexandrina have good transport links into Adelaide and therefore are increasingly becoming part of the wider commuter belt. This, combined with relatively affordable home owning opportunities, means that in-migration of families is more predominant in the north.

In addition, due to its role as a holiday and retirement destination, dwelling vacancy rates in Alexandrina are higher than average. There are significant variations in vacancy rates across the municipality, with rates highest in the coastal towns where many of these dwellings operate as holiday or second homes. For example, around half of the dwellings in Middleton and District were vacant at the 2016 Census.

Due to the differences in role and function, as well as variations in residential land supply, population and housing outcomes are quite different across the municipality. Significant residential opportunities have been identified in Strathalbyn Town and Hindmarsh Island - Mundoo Island. From the early 2020s, the planned Goolwa Growth Area is assumed to be developed, and this will significantly increase residential development opportunities to the north of the existing Goolwa township. In contrast, rural areas and small townships are assumed to experience modest growth. Overall, Alexandrina's population is forecast to increase to approximately 36,900 in 2041.


The Estimated Resident Population of Alexandrina Council was 26,541 as of the 30th June 2016 - a 10% increase since the previous census. The Alexandrina Council population forecast for 2018 is 27,094, and is forecast to grow to 36,907 by 2041 – an increase of over 36%!

As of 2016, Alexandrina Council's Gross Regional Product is estimated at $1.00 billion, which represents 1.0% of the state's GSP (Gross State Product) – an 11% increase since 2011.

There were 7,435 jobs located in the Alexandrina Council in the year ending June 2016.

1,994 businesses on the business register in June 2015.

Health care and social assistance is the largest employer in Alexandrina Council, making up 14.4% of total employment, which has changed from agriculture, forestry and fishing since the last census.  Tourism is still a key industry for micro and small business, but it is highly seasonal.

There were 10,581 residents employed in the year ending June 2016 in the Alexandrina area.

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profile id

Alexandrina Council Community Profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas.

Forecast ID

Alexandrina Council population forecasts outline the drivers of population change and forecasts how population, age structure and household types will change across the LGA over the period 2006 to 2036. This data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary and is designed to inform Community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public.

Economy ID

Council's economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area's role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area's strengths. The information presented here is derived from official sources of information (Australian Bureau of Statistics) as well as Australia's leading economic modellers, NIEIR. The latest data from each series is always presented in this site.