RHC logo Actions and Implementation

Resilient Hills & Coasts has been implementing its Adaptation Plan since it was launched in December 2016. Our progress reports and action plans are available here:

Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan

The Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan was developed between 2014 and 2016. The process included a knowledge audit, review of regional climate projections, mapping of community values, assessment of the vulnerability of those values to climate risks, and identification and prioritisation of adaptation options.

The following documents were prepared as part of this process:

The final Adaptation Plan documents are available here:

Where We Build What We Build

The Where We Build What We Build project was undertaken in 2019 and 2020. It aimed to encourage building or retrofitting of homes that are climate-ready, by demonstrating that the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs.

Maps generated from the project can be accessed at http://edge.endevgeo.com/ (project: wwbwwb).

Key projects outcomes can be found in the following fact sheets:

More detailed information on the methods and results are contained here” to “For the full report and detailed information go here.

Community Energy

Between 2017 and 2019, Resilient Hills & Coasts partner Councils explored how they could work with each other and their communities to deliver a Community Energy Foundation. We are finalising a case study and toolkit of resources for Councils, regions and communities to learn from as they investigate their own community energy options. They will be available here.

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