profile idAlexandrina Council's community profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas.
Atlas IDAlexandrina Council's community atlas presents key socio-demographic characteristics for the area as interactive maps.
Forecast IDAlexandrina Council's population forecasts outline the drivers of population change and forecasts how population, age structure and household types will change across the LGA over the period 2006 to 2041. This data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary and is designed to inform Community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public.
Economy IDAlexandrina Council's economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area's role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area's strengths.

The Regional Development Australia (RDA) Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island's economic profile presents the economic information of the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island and includes additional industry statistics from the Alexandrina region.

Free demonstrations of Alexandrina Forecast ID are available on request.  Contact Council on 8555 7000 or