Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Include address, suburb and postcode
Include address, suburb and postcode
Do you wish to renew your Exceptional Service Waste Collection? * If no, please complete 'Cancellation of Service' section at bottom of form. If yes, disregard 'Cancellation of Service' section.
Is your property a permanent dwelling? i.e you live there permanently, not a holiday house. (If no, holiday homes are ineligible for additional bin services under Exceptional Circumstances, however a Seasonal Service is available for an additional fee.)
Do you operate a small business at your property? (If yes, businesses are ineligible for additional bin services under Exceptional Circumstances. For additional kerbside service options for businesses please email or visit
Does a member of your household have special needs resulting in additional waste from incontinence or medical products? Excl. normal infant incontinence
Cancellation of Service Why are you not renewing/reducing your Exceptional Circumstances Service Waste Collection?