The Country Fire Service (CFS) have developed a fact sheet to communicate the Fire Danger Ratings; Moderate, High, Extreme and Catastrophic, visit the CFS website for further information.

CFS have also development fact sheets explaining where to relocate on the days of Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Danger, which can be sourced from the CFS website

Bushfire Safer Places

Sections of Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Middleton, Milang, Port Elliot and Strathalbyn townships have been identified as Bushfire Safer Precincts within the Alexandrina Council as they are relatively safe from fire due to low levels of fuel. Although the CFS has taken every care and precaution in identifying these areas, they will be subjected to spark and ember attack in the event of a fire. Please ensure you check the CFS website for up to date maps as the safer areas are subject to change.

Please open the attachment to view and print safer settlement maps.

Goolwa and Hindmarsh Island



Port Elliot and Chiton


These maps are current as of 10 November 2022.

What is a Bushfire Safer Place?

A Bushfire Safer Place is a place of relative safety. It may be used as a place for people to stay in or as a place of first resort for those who have decided they will leave high risk locations early on a high fire risk day.

Identified Last Resort Refuges

Last Resort Refuges are specific sites in areas outside of safer settlements and safer precincts which will provide a level of protection by providing an appropriate separation distance from the immediate life threatening effects of radiant heat and direct flame contact in a bushfire. It is intended to provide a place of relative safety during a bushfire, but does not guarantee the survival of those who assemble there. Last Resort Refuges should only be accessed when personal Bushfire Survival Plans cannot be implemented or have failed.

The following sites are considered compliant as Last Resort Refuges – Open Space Only:

  • Mount Compass Oval  - Victor Harbor Road, Mount Compass SA 5210
  • Clayton Foreshore - Island View Drive, Clayton Bay SA 5256
  • Langhorne Creek Oval - Murray Road, Langhorne Creek SA 5255

What is a Last Resort Refuge?

Bushfire Last Resort Refuges are your LAST choice of location to shelter from bushfire. A Bushfire Last Resort Refuge is a space or building that provides a minimum level of protection from the immediate life threatening effects of radiant heat and direct flame contact on a bushfire. It is an area intended to provide a place of relative safety during a bushfire but does not guarantee the survival of those who assemble here.


Bushfire Watch & Act Messages

Fire can threaten suddenly and without warning so you should always be ready to act. The CFS will provide as much information as possible to help you make an informed decision however you may not always receive an official warning directly.

However, if you are in a bushfire prone area it is important that you remain vigilant during the summer and do not rely on these messages as there is no guarantee you will receive one in time. A bushfire may impact upon you more quickly than CFS is able to respond.

The Police and Emergency Services are committed to providing timely and accurate information to the community during emergencies - including bushfires.

To achieve this, South Australia has adopted the National Framework for Advice and Warnings to the Community. The new system has been developed to alert the community to bushfires and to provide advice on what to do when threatened by a bushfire.

The system is based on three types of alert messages, distributed by multiple means of communication:

  • EMERGENCY WARNING: You are in danger and you need to take action immediately. You will be impacted by fire. This message will usually be preceded by the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS)
  • WATCH & ACT: A fire is approaching you, conditions are changing; you need to take action now to protect your life and your family.
  • ADVICE: A fire has started – there is no immediate danger; general information to keep you up to date with developments.

Bushfire Watch & Act Messages will be issued when there is a potential threat to public safety in the immediate area of a bushfire.

Bushfire Emergency Warning Messages will be issued when a bushfire burning out of control under very high to catastrophic weather conditions requires an immediate response from the public to ensure their safety and survival. Bushfire Emergency Warning messages will be preceded by a distinctive siren-like sound of SEWS

Bushfire Watch & Act and Bushfire Emergency Warning Messages will be issued via multiple media communication channels including local ABC AM and FIVEAA radio stations (make sure you have a battery powered radio).

Emergency Warning and Watch & Act Messages are likely to include the following information:

  • The location of the fire;
  • Where it is expected to move next;
  • The risks faced by people in the area;
  • What the public is advised to do about those risks;
  • Where the public can find additional information.
  • While the Police and Emergency Services will provide as much information as possible during a bushfire, it must be remembered that all people have a responsibility to ensure they are adequately prepared for bushfires and know what to do.
  • You should take all of these messages seriously and consider the information carefully.