A2040 Banner

Alexandrina, it’s our time to Thrive!

Alexandrina 2040 takes a unique approach to strategic planning and puts our future in the hands of the community – in particular Village Innovation Planning will see a new approach to the way we work.

A2040 is comprised of three documents:

A2040 Narrative Cover A2040 4-year plan A2040 Plan on a page

A2040 Narrative - A ‘future thinking’ story celebrating our 20 year vision through strategic storytelling and reflective of over 2,000 community voices

A2040 Four Year PlanIs our Community Strategic Plan which introduces a new approach to community engagement and consultation through annual Village Conversations and Annual Village Innovation Plans that will help guide and influence future LTFPs and AMPs

A2040 ‘plan on a page’ a quick reference guide and summary.

The Annual Business Plan and Budget 2022/23

The Annual Business Plan and Budget is a fundamental step towards delivering the vision and aspirations expressed in Council’s endorsed A2040 plan to Thrive, which highlights the need to invest in building community from both a social, physical and economic well-being perspective.

Council's 2022/23 Annual Business Plan and Budget can be viewed here or for more information and to view supporting document please visit the dedicated Annual Business Plan and Budget page.

Watch the full video or individual chapters here

Listen to the A2040 audio here

The A2040 Community Strategic Plan is complemented by the Asset Management Plan (AMP) and the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and are collectively our Strategic Management Plans.

Council must develop and adopt Strategic Management Plans to effectively manage its area under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1999.