Climate change is the issue of greatest concern to the people of Alexandrina. Increasingly frequent adverse events, the fragility of our ecosystems and the security of our water supplies led to Alexandrina’s Climate Emergency Declaration in 2019.

This provides Council with a clear mandate to recognise climate change as pivotal to its planning and policy development, and to focus on climate change mitigation and adaption strategies. This is why Council has developed several key documents, such as the Climate Change Policy, the Carbon Neutral Plan, and the Climate Emergency Action Plan:

The Climate Change Policy is Council’s key policy to embed consistent and robust approach into all Council decision-making and activities, and signals commitment to our community to lead by example.

The Carbon Neutral Plan sets out goals, actions, and targets, and provides an independent, evidence-based roadmap to guide Council towards carbon neutrality by 2040.

Council recognises that it is important to work with our community in reducing our emissions. The Climate Emergency Action Plan is the next natural step to take actions to reduce Council and community emissions within Alexandrina, to prepare for a changing climate, and to help protect the unique environment we all enjoy.

To find out how the Climate Emergency Action Plan fits in with Council’s other strategic documents, follow the link to find out 'How our plans come together'.