Project updates are listed in order of township location below.
Ashbourne Stormwater Mitigation
Ashbourne residents have been significantly impacted by both locally generated overland stormwater flows and floodwaters from Bull Creek breaking its banks. These events, which occurred in 2010, 2016, and most recently in 2022, have affected several homes in the town. Many residents have had stormwater or floodwaters enter or nearly enter their premises during these storms, causing repeated concern and disruption for the community.
Alexandrina Council committed funds in the 2023-2024 Budget, funded through the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Program, for the design and delivery of infrastructure which will improve stormwater management in Ashbourne.
Detailed flood modelling along with LIDAR aerial and land surveying has been completed, with concept plans presented to the community at a 30 May 2024 Community meeting. Feedback from the meeting has been reviewed and the concept plans amended with the Community input.
The concept designs are being finalised, due for completion early August 2024, before progressing to the detailed design and cost estimation phase.
For further project updates please visit the My Say page here.
Shade Sail Installation at the Clayton Bay Reserve Playground
We’re excited to announce that new shade sails will be installed at Clayton Bay Reserve Playground to enhance sun protection for visitors.
At times the playground will be temporarily closed for public safety during the installation, and we will provide further updates.
This project is scheduled to commence late February and expected to be complete end of March 2025.
Clayton Bay Foreshore
The proposed installation of a new carpark on Alexandrina Drive, and new post and rope fencing on Island View Drive, forming part of the Clayton Bay Foreshore Masterplan, have been placed on hold pending further consultation.
Further updates on these works will be provided in due course.
Replacement of the Braeside Road Ford Crossing at Finniss
Please be advised work to replace the Braeside Road Ford Crossing will commence in early February 2025. The works will be undertaken between the hours of 7am – 5pm Monday to Friday, with the works expected to be completed in late March 2025.
The project work will include:
- Replacement of the concrete crossing and culvert.
- Minor upgrades to the road approaches for the crossing.
- Replacement of floodway and depth signage for the crossing.
- Removal of one tree on the west approach due to poor structure and branch failures.
The Braeside Road Ford Crossing will be closed to all traffic during this work. Signage will be installed at the following intersections to indicate the closure: Braeside Road, Signal Flat Road and Alexandrina Road. Detour signage will guide traffic along Alexandrina Road and Signal Flat Road for the duration of the project.
We appreciate your patience and understanding while these improvements are carried out.
Billabong Road and Bunyip Street Stormwater Upgrade
This project is aimed at improving stormwater infrastructure to control water pooling after rainfall events. Works will include new below ground pipe networks and kerbing. Design is currently being revised with onsite construction estimated for October/November 2024.
Goolwa Pump Track Maintenance
Maintenance work is currently underway at the Goolwa pump track to address erosion and edge damage. A local contractor is reshaping the edges with fresh dirt and sealing cracks in the bitumen to ensure the track remains safe and enjoyable for all users.
The track will be available for use outside contractor working hours, with work scheduled during school hours to minimise disruption. For safety reasons, the track will be closed while machinery is operating.
Works are expected for completion by end of November 2024.
Langhorne Creek Discovery Trail
A Wine Trail Project has been under consideration for a number of years by the community and industry representatives. Since late 2020, Alexandrina Council has been working closely with the Langhorne Creek Grape and Wine Association (LHCGWA) to progress a project to provide infrastructure, amenity and opportunities to enable visitors and locals to experience the uniqueness and the rich history of the Langhorne Creek wine region.
The intent of the Langhorne Creek Discovery Trail is to create a fit-for-purpose trail that provides interesting, accessible and safe ways to enable visitors and locals to visit wineries, attractions, and parks by both foot and on bikes.
The project contains two major elements:
- The delivery of physical infrastructure to support the hero element of the trail, a multi-use pathway providing a way for tourists to navigate a central 2.8km stretch safely and efficiently
- The development of an outstanding tourism product that encapsulates the cellar doors, experiences, environment and history of the Langhorne Creek region.
A business case was presented to the Council at the General Council Meeting in February 2024, where draft concept plans were also endorsed for public consultation.
Council has submitted an application to the Federal Government seeking full funding for a $7.1 million project to create a shared-use walking and cycling tourism trail through Langhorne Creek. The outcome of the submission to the Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program is expected in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Council also continues to collaborate with the Partnership Group on product packaging and destination marketing opportunities for the Langhorne Creek region.
Langhorne Creek Cemetery Shelter
Council has awarded a tender for the design and construction of a heritage-style shelter for the Langhorne Creek Cemetery.
The shelter, intended to capture the historical significance of the cemetery and its surrounding landscape, will feature a timber structure with enclosed ends for wind protection, bench seating and provisions for interpretive signage.
This project is scheduled for construction in late 2024.
Middleton Pedestrian Crossings
Following years of advocating for safer pedestrian crossings in Middleton the State Government, Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) agreed to fund two pedestrian crossings in Middleton with Council to undertake the project management to deliver the construction works.
The funding of $380,000 provided under the Inner and Middle Adelaide Cycling Improvement Program, will support Council to construct two pedestrian refuge crossings on Goolwa Road, Middleton, with kerb ramps, handrails on both sides of the road and a centre refuge. The project will also include upgrades to signage, street lighting and line marking.
Works commenced 5 February 2024 and concluded in early March 2024.
DIT has confirmed that additional funding may be considered in future funding rounds for an additional crossing in Middleton near the Middleton Arts and Crafts Community Centre.
Lorraine Avenue Carpark Shower Facility, Surfers Parade Middleton
Please be advised minor works will begin at the Lorraine Avenue Carpark from 10 December 2024. This includes installation of a freestanding shower facility and foot-tap as an outcome of the village conversations.
SA Water will provide a new metered connection and temporary site fencing will be set out in the carpark during this work. General work hours will be from 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and the project is expected to be completed early January 2025.
Image 1: Site location of freestanding shower
Mount Compass Recreation Park
Half-Court Basketball Court and Playground Shade Sail
This includes the construction of a half-court basketball facility to FIBA guidelines and installation of a playground shade sail to cover selected equipment and play zones.
The basketball court is complete with landscaping currently in progress to install an area of turf around the court. The playground shade sails are programmed for commencement on 11 February 2025 with completion estimated in March 2025.
Haywood Court to Burgess Oval Footpath, Mount Compass
Starting Thursday, 21 November 2024, Council contractors will begin constructing a concrete footpath from the end of Haywood Court to the Burgess Oval Clubrooms.
Works will begin with marking out the path footprint and excavation of the site. Concreting will commence shortly after. For public safety, path access will be closed during the works. The works are programmed to be completed in two weeks, weather permitting.
Road Works - Nangkita Road, Nangkita
Nangkita Road is designated as a Regionally Significant Freight and Community Access Route in the Southern and Hills Local Government Association 2030 Regional Transport Plan, ranking as the second most critical road in the plan. It is essential that the road remains safe and functional for all vehicles in all seasons.
The previously upgraded 1.27 Km of Nangkita Road has had it final sealing (Bituminising) completed.
Work will commence in 2025 to upgrade an additional 2.91 km of Nangkita Road using a mix of Lightly Bound Cement (LBC) and Foam Bitumen Stabilisation (FBS) treatments to enhance the pavements of heavily water-impacted road segments. The works will upgrade segments of the road that were not addressed in the previous year's program.
Once the pavement upgrade is completed, a temporary bituminous surface (scatter coat) will be applied until the final bitumen surface is applied later in 2025. To ensure Nangkita Road achieves its design life, there is a delay between the pavement upgrade and applying the final surface bitumen to allow the specialised pavement materials to cure properly.
Port Elliot Obelisk
The historic obelisk at Freeman's Knob at Port Elliot was damaged by lightning in December 2023.
Following an insurance claim, contractors began repairing the landmark in October 2024. However, following the removal of damaged render, it was revealed that damage to the interior construction was more complex than originally assessed.
Council is obtaining engineering for the flagpole design in consultation with State Heritage to ensure that the obelisk represents its heritage significance. Due to the holiday period, Council has decided to remove the scaffolding until the engineering is completed and repairs can resume in the new year.
Horseshoe Bay Pontoon
The swimmers' pontoon in Horseshoe Bay in Port Elliot washed ashore after a storm in September 2024.
The future of the pontoon was debated at the November General Council meeting. Council Members voted to support the return of the pontoon for the 2024/25 summer school holiday period, and for the pontoon to remain in the water all year, subject to approval from the SA Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), confirmation of insurance coverage and a report coming back to Council.
Council also resolved the following:
- Following approval from DIT, that Council Administration commence discussions with Port Elliot Surf Life Saving Club to undertake visual inspections of the pontoon.
- Following approval from DIT, that Council Administration approach South Australian diving clubs to seek opportunities for members with appropriate engineering competencies and qualifications to undertake low/no cost annual dives to complete underwater inspections.
- Seek a review of the recommendations from the Mutual Liability Scheme with regards to the minimum requirements of Council to manage the pontoon.
- Bring a report back to Council, as soon as possible, detailing outcomes of cost reduction efforts and community collaborations to return the pontoon to Horseshoe Bay.
Basham Parade and The Cutting, Port Elliot
Work to remediate a failing stone wall on the corner of The Cutting and Basham’s Parade at Port Elliot was completed in November 2024. This work included excavation of the site to improve safety, new retaining, landscape plantings, and the renewal of the footpath access to the Dolphin Apartments. A stockpile of existing stone was reused for the landscaping with drip irrigation installed to help establish the verge plants.
Berry Smith Drive Wastewater Pump Station, Strathalbyn
Commencing Monday 16 September 2024, upgrade works will be performed on the Berry Smith Drive water-water pump station. This existing pump station is located within the Council reserve area on Berry Smith Drive.
Works will be performed over a 12-week period with completion prior to the Christmas period.
Works will include excavation adjacent to the existing sewer pump station and the placement of a large underground storage tank to greatly improve system performance and capacity. In conjunction, pipework and valves will be installed to improve system operations for the long term. The reserve area itself will be reinstated following the earthworks and disturbed ground will be hydro-seeded to provide future grass coverage.
Importantly, these works will not interrupt or upset the existing services to residents. Works will be performed during the day and only within legislated working hours. The construction site itself will be isolated with safety fencing to restrict public access and no vegetation (trees or other) will be removed.
Angas River Weir Wall – Soldiers' Memorial Gardens, Strathalbyn
Remediation works to upgrade the weir wall in Strathalbyn’s Soldiers' Memorial Gardens along the Angus River, just east of the Strathalbyn Swimming Centre commenced in June 2024.
The completed works involved the removal of the existing retaining wall (upper section) and levelling of the surrounding landscape.
The gabion wall (wire cages filled with rocks) will not only provide essential erosion control for the riverside escarpment but also mirror the successful gabion wall recently completed behind the Strathalbyn Swimming Pool. This method of erosion control is environmentally sustainable and has already been successfully used along the existing riverbank.
Unfortunately, recent weather conditions have caused ongoing site access risks and rising water levels, resulting in construction works being initially rescheduled for late October 2024. However, due to sub-contractor availability issues, the project has been further delayed, and work is now expected to commence in January 2025.
In the meantime, temporary park closures have been lifted, allowing full community access until the project is ready to recommence in the new year.