Community Land Register

Council maintains a register of all community land in accordance with the requirements of Section 207 of the Local Government Act 1999 and Regulations. It is a 'living' document, subject to change and includes the legal description of the land, street address, area of the land, name of the owner of the land and any Lease or Licence that has been issued over the land.

Council Employee Gifts and Benefits Register

Pursuant to Section 110(1) of the Local Government Act 1999 the Code of Conduct for Employees became operational as from 13 February 2014. The Code of Conduct stipulates that a Gifts and Benefits register is to be maintained by the Council's Chief Executive Officer and updated quarterly.

Employee’s must report accepted gifts and benefits from third parties in accordance with the Employee Gifts and Benefits Operating Guideline, consistent with best practice. Only those gifts and benefits above $50 (value determined by the Minister) will be listed on the public register as required under schedule 2A of the LG Variation Regulations 2018.

You can search the employee Gifts and Benefits register by financial year below, which is updated on a quarterly basis e.g. September, December, March and June.

Council Members Gifts and Benefits Register

The Local Government Act 1999 requires that gifts and benefits received by Council Members be recorded on a register, which is to be made publicly available on Council’s website.

For the purposes of section 72A(2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the threshold amount governing when a gift or benefit must be registered is gazetted at $50 (notice appeared in the Government Gazette No. 79 on 17 November 2022). The register below is updated on a quarterly basis.

Council Members Allowances and Benefits Register

Alexandrina Council ensures that the payment of Council Member allowances and the reimbursement of expenses is accountable, transparent and in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999, and the Local Government (Members Allowances and Benefits) Regulations 2010.

All allowances, reimbursements, facilities and support provided to Council Members are recorded in a register – the Council Member Allowances and Benefits Register. The Register is updated quarterly and maintained for each financial year. It should be noted amounts are cumulative for the current financial year as at the time of publishing.

Council also maintains an Council Members' Allowances, Benefits, Support and Facilities Policy, which can be found here.

Council Members Training and Development Register

Section 80A of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Local Government Act) and Regulation 8AA of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 (the General Regulations), sets out the legal requirements for training and development for council members. A council member must comply with the prescribed mandatory requirements, which includes the LGA Training Standards. Failure to comply will result in a suspension of the council member by Council (unless the member satisfies the council there were good reasons for the failure to comply). A council member must undertake the Mandatory Training within the first 12 months of their four-year term.

Subsection 80A(2h) of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the CEO to maintain a register relating to training and development of council members. This is a register of scheduled and completed mandatory and non-mandatory training.

Council Members Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest Register

Section 74 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires that Council Members declare any interest and provide full and accurate details of the relevant interest to the Council prior to consideration of that item on the Agenda. Each Member of a Council has a duty to vote at all meetings unless excepted by legislation.

The major exception being where a Member has a conflict of interest.

Council Members Disclosure of Interests Register

Under section 70(a1) of the Local Government Act 1999, the chief executive officer must publish on the website, the Register of interests.

However, the chief executive officer must ensure the following details are not published under subsection (a1):

  1. A person's residential address;
  2. Any other address suppressed from the Register under section 68(4)(a) on the basis the chief executive officer is satisfied the personal safety of that person, a member of that person's family or any other person would be at risk if the address were included in the Register.

Delegations Register

Delegations enables the Council to focus on policy and strategy and allows the day to day operations of the Council to be carried out by its administration.

Register of Public Streets and Roads

Council is required under Section 231 of the Local Government Act 1999, to keep a Register of Public Roads of its area. Alexandrina Council is responsible for maintaining the roads outlined in the Register of Public Roads document.

Register of Salaries

Section 105 of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the Chief Executive Officer of a Council to keep a Register of Salaries.

Council’s Register of Salaries is maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1999.

Voters Roll Register

Information regarding Council voters roll is available via the Electoral Commission of South Australia.

If you are unsure whether you are enrolled on Council's supplementary roll, please contact the Rates Department on 8555 7000.