To address the climate change and ecological emergencies we face, we need to:

1. prevent any further loss of threatened species habitat;

2. manage fire with ecologically suitable fire regimes;

3. manage invasive species, including those ecosystem-transforming weeds;

4. manage our water resources and become water smart; and

5. mitigate and adapt to climate change.

For this we need strong partnerships with all levels of government, our community, First Nations peoples, environmental community groups, agriculture and landowners who manage and love our land, waters, and biodiversity. The closer we all work together and the more we share our knowledge and resources, the more effective our actions can be.

Alexandrina Council is already home to a highly skilled and active community conservation sector and numerous volunteers, conservation groups and Landscape Board organisations significantly contribute to the protection and improvement of biodiversity on both Council and privately-held land.

Strengthening and maintaining these existing relationships and the development of further partnerships which can enhance biodiversity outcomes across our region is essential. Council actions to form new and strengthen existing partnerships include:

  • Foster networks with adjoining Councils, State Government agencies, Landscape Boards, and non-government organisations for the effective coordination of on-ground works and to maximise external funding opportunities.
  • Educate the community about the value of, and threats to, local biodiversity and the actions needed protect our environmental assets.

Alexandrina Council acknowledges the value the community has in protecting our natural environment and regenerating our land. By working together, great outcomes can be achieved.

Map of Alexandrina showing the location of some of our conservation partners.

Conservation Partnerships