Council actively reduces the amount of GHG we emit into the atmosphere by targeting our most emissions intensive buildings and using, where possible, electric cars in our fleet.

To reduce emissions of our most emissions intensive buildings, Council installed large rooftop solar, replaced lights with energy efficient LEDs, and upgraded the building management systems. By doing this, Council reduced its emissions by a minimum of 512 tCO2-e per year.

An example of the effect of the solar energy systems installed is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Within one year, Council reduced the energy consumption of its two Council depots by 65%, and the GHG emissions by 77%.

Figures 1 Depot emissions 2020-21

Figure 1: Council Depot emissions during 2020/21

Figure 2 - Depot emissions 2021-22

Figure 2: Council Depot emissions during 2021/2022

In addition, the existing 20kW solar power system located at the Goolwa Depot has not only offset an estimated 30 tCO2-e of GHG per year since being turned on in 2015, it has also saved Council over $70,000 in the same period.

Transport fuel continues to be a major source of GHG emissions. By incorporating more efficient vehicles, such as hybrid and electric vehicles into the Council’s fleet where practical, the carbon and financial cost of transport will reduce.