Our People Living with Disability

Our people living with disability have a strong sense of community and feel connected to others.

Our people living with disability recognises and value the broad range of options for connection within our community.

Our priorities are to support inclusion and connection for people living with disability.

Our key actions include promoting access and inclusion.

Click on the image below to view the Our People Living with Disability Plan on a page

CWAP Plan on a Page - Disabilities

Please refer to  the Community Wellbeing Action Plan for more information.

The Disability Access & Inclusion Plan 2021-2024 was endorsed by Council on 22 November 2021. It formalises our commitment to provide services and facilities that are inclusive for all people who live in, work in or visit our region, including the 28% of residents who are living with a disability. The DAIP provides a mechanism for Council to assist people to actively engage in and contribute to the life of our community and to promote cultural diversity.

We have created an Easy Read version of the Plan.

The DAIP 2012-2022 progress report

For further information please contact  us on  8555 7000 or email alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au .

Useful Information and links

The National Disability Insurance Scheme

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is Australia’s national scheme providing funding to eligible people living with disability to enable them to have greater independence and an improved quality of life.

The scheme entitles people with a "permanent and significant" disability (under the age of 65), to full funding for any "reasonable and necessary" support needs related to their disability (subject to certain restrictions). Funding is allocated to the individual, and the individual or their guardian chooses which providers supply the funded goods and services (subject to certain restrictions).

The scheme is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and overseen by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission).

Mission Australia NDIS Local Area Coordination (LAC) service support people with disability and their families in the Alexandrina region. Mission’s role is to assist people to understand and access the NDIS, provide support to create and implement NDIS plans. They also play an important part to build communities that are inclusive and welcoming of everyone. They have offices in Victor Harbor and Mount Barker call 1800 931 543.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission works with participants and providers improve the quality and safely of NDIS  services and supports.

Office for the Public Advocate promotes the rights and interests of people who need assistance with decision making.  They give information, resolve disputes, advocate, investigate, and act as guardian of last resort.

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established in April 2019 in response to community concern about widespread reports of violence against, and the neglect, abuse and exploitation of, people with disability.

State Disability Inclusion Plan – Inclusive SA brings together State Government and local councils to reduce barriers faced by people living with disability.

Sport Australia – Inclusive Sport Inclusive participation in sport and physical activity in a welcoming and inclusive environment. The Inclusive Sport Framework is based on 7 Pillars of Inclusion – Access, Attitude, Choice, Partnerships, Communication, Policy and Opportunities.