Clayton Bay Foreshore Master Plan

The Clayton Bay Foreshore Master Plan was endorsed by Council on 15 June 2015 and has guided Council’s management and maintenance of Clayton Bay’s Foreshore Reserves over the next 10 years.

The Master Plan was developed in partnership with the Clayton Bay community and seeks to balance demands for recreation and nature, beauty and function, heritage and progress to create a foreshore that continues to attract people while protecting and enhancing the natural and cultural landscapes of the area.

The Master Plan includes:

  • a summary of the community engagement and public consultation activities that were undertaken and the community knowledge that was elicited during development of the Master Plan including the identification of key issues and opportunities;
  • a site analysis that considers landscape character as well as existing facilities and connections;
  • six foreshore precinct plans and five priority project concept plans;
  • a description of the environmental values of the foreshore along with woody weed mapping, action planning for ongoing environmental management of the foreshore and species planting lists;
  • a style guide including materials palette and vehicle barrier typologies; and
  • an indicative implementation plan.

Clayton Bay Master Plan now complete

The limestone rubble loop footpath in Clayton Bay, stretching over 2.5km long and connects people from the whole foreshore, ducks hospital and Dunns lagoon. The large boat ramp carpark has also been resurfaced in limestone rubble making the loop complete.

A new shelter in Clayton Bay is using a unique timber look aluminium frame. This is a great product that looks like timber but more environmentally friendly, blends into the environment and cost effective. This is situated near the recently completed small carpark along the foreshore on Island view drive.

Clayton Bay ShelterClayton Bay