Alexandrina Council coordinates a program which aims to reduce nuisance feral cat colonies throughout the area. A large population of feral cats can very quickly impact on the breeding success of native species. Council’s cat management practices have been designed to protect the welfare of native species as well as of owned and domestic cats.

In August 2023 Council adopted the Cats by-law. The objectives of the Cats by-law are to control and manage cats in the Council’s area:

  • to promote responsible cat ownership;
  • to reduce the incidence of public and environmental nuisance caused by cats;
  • to protect the comfort and safety of members of the public; and
  • for the good rule and government of the Council’s area.

The By-Law includes limits on cat numbers, effective confinement of cats, and registration of cats. For more information, visit the By-Laws section or the animal management section on our webpage.

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